
Studio Assessment

We’re in the final stages of putting the finishing touches on a brand new program and could use your advice. And before we finalize things, we want to make sure we’re covering YOUR unique, specific situation. 
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Question 1 of 4

1. When it comes to teaching students online, what’s your single Biggest Challenge, Frustration or Problem that you've been struggling with?

(Please be as Detailed and Specific as possible). 

Question 2 of 4

2. Which of the following most accurately reflects the stage you are in with your Dojo? 


Getting Started: I'm in the early stages of running my own online studio, and have been teaching online for less than two years


Training Group Leader: I teach a core group of students and don't (yet) have an online studio of my own


Scaling & Looking to Grow: I've been at it for a few years, and looking to grow my studio without sacrificing the core values of my art.


Committed Student: I'm a student hoping to one day have my own online studio, and would like to get a head start, learning as much as I can on how to do it.


Other? Please define.

Question 3 of 4

3. Last Question: If we were to create a business training program on one of the following topics (and you had to chose just one) which of the following are you most likely to have signed up for if it was already available? 


Online Studio Mastery: Complete A-Z, 6 Week Course on how to launch and manage a highly successful online studio


Online Studio Marketing Mastery: You've got the online studio dialed, you just need ways to get more students, daily.


Online Mastermind Community: Being among other successful studio owners who are building online programs alongside you


The Online Studio Product Grid: Everything you need to know on how to expand and monetize your Studio Brand through information and physical products.


Honestly, none of the above topics really interest me enough to consider signing up for a program.

Question 4 of 4

Last Step: What’s your best contact information so I can notify you when our new training program on Grow to Global and Online Studio Mastery are made available, based on the feedback you've provided in your responses?

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