ARCHIVE 2009: Facebook Ads, Timing Is Everything

archives blog Nov 13, 2023
Facebook Ads, Timing Is Everything

NOTE: In 2009, Facebook ran a significant update to the targeting algorithm. I wrote this article for martial arts school owners then to help them build better targeting ads. How much of this is still relevant and what has actually changed in regard to targeting goals since this time? 

In this article, I'm going to share with you a few basic steps you can take to ensure that your Facebook content campaigns and boosts are getting maximum traction for your school. In other words, people are actually seeing your stuffliking what they see and clicking to see more.

If you read marketing blogs at all then you've heard the complaints about constant algorithm changes that Facebook makes. Ranging from people whining about not getting any traction with their advertisements to reports showing that audience groups were not converting as they should be.

 Actually, at the time of writing this article, Facebook hasn't changed their algorithm for a year and a half. The problem is that people continually put out crap content and think that because they are paying $5 they should be getting a few hundred clicks.

It doesn't work like that.

First, if your content isn't being getting any engagement, the algorithm won't give you much recognition. It's lacking relevance. My Ads trainer spoke to me a bit about this today and according to Facebook, the right strategy looks something like this. 

  • Post your content piece for 24 to 48 hours and watch the engagement it gets.
  • If it's getting organic traffic, it will naturally start picking up visibility momentum.
  • Make sure that you engage with the audience to build more value to the algorithm.
  • Then boost after you have seen positive organic results and watch the difference!

It's something like this, it takes alot more effort to gain momentum when something isn't moving. When it's already picking up speed, it's much easier to accelerate and really haul ass. Actually, this is exactly how it was explained to me, and that makes sense.

There's another way to maximize your content campaigns with boosting. If you have a post that has super strong engagement, lots of discussion and audience members are sharing, consider posting a content piece from your campaign the following day. Basically, piggy backing on successful organic campaigns will give you higher visibility within that audience group as the algorithm recognizes your content relevancy.

To summarize, don't simply post something and boost it. Even if your audience group is in alignment with your content, you've optimized your keywords and really done your back-end work prior to posting - you are still missing huge opportunity without existing organic momentum and zero relevancy.

Posting a campaign piece following an organically successful post will get you more visibility for your dollars. Don't make the mistake and think that whatever you put up will be visible to everyone if you give Facebook twenty busk. It just doesn't work like that.

The most important focal point for school owners is content creation. You've gotta be centered on creating content that your audience values. Informative, easily consumable and providing a call to action(s).

These two tips will help you get an immediate increase in visibility to your promotional campaigns, but getting the conversions by proving value is up to you.

In the Mastermind Group, we're continuing on with this topic and taking group members step-by-step how to make these immediate changes in your ad groups, discover the correct insights for your school and make the most of your advertising dollars. 

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