What I learned from 28 School Owners in 6 Days

blog Dec 12, 2023

And it's killing their ability to grow

In the past 6 days, I've spent 38 hours on the phone talking to traditional martial art school owners all over the States, the UK and one Australian leading up to our kick-off workshop this Thursday. 

I did not expect this, but one thing stood out very clear - and I want to share it with you.

Their ability to grow their schools was centered collectively around one thing.

 It was NOT the MMA school down the road 

It was NOT Covid

It was NOT the economy

 In every conversation, there was a theme centered on one thing ...


Overwhelm in all areas of running a successful school. I heard them talk about burn out, loss of passion, chasing squirrels, spinning plates and shining objects. There was a lot of fear too. 

In this video, I break down exactly what I learned, and what you can do about it as a traditional martial arts school owner. Do not let overwhelm get you, own your clarity.  

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